LOCKSS 2.0-alpha1 System Manual

First release: 2.0.11-alpha1 (2019-05-13)
System manual last built: Sep 28, 2023

Welcome to the LOCKSS 2.0-alpha1 System Manual.

What’s New?

The LOCKSS 2.0-alpha1 release features the LOCKSS Repository Service, LOCKSS Configuration Service, LOCKSS Poller Service, LOCKSS Metadata Extraction Service, and LOCKSS Metadata Service, and Web replay with LOCKSS ServeContent and Pywb.

See our Release Notes for more details.


In order to install and test the LOCKSS 2.0-alpha1 system, you will need:

  • 64-bit Linux host (physical or virtual) with 4 cores and 8 GB of memory

  • Docker running in Swarm mode and with the Local-Persist volume plugin

  • Git to download a small project from GitHub

  • The Setuptools and Pystache Python modules

Contact Us

Please contact us for questions, feedback and bug reports. Open a ticket by sending e-mail to lockss-support (at) lockss (dot) org. Your contribution toward the final LOCKSS 2.0 release is very important to us and greatly appreciated by the community.

Frequently Asked Questions

I have an existing LOCKSS system (version 1.x). Can I upgrade to LOCKSS 2.0-alpha1?

The LOCKSS 2.0-alpha1 release is a technology preview which we are excited to share with the community for testing purposes. It is not yet possible to convert from a classic LOCKSS system (version 1.74.7) to a LOCKSS 2.0 system. To help us advance toward the final LOCKSS 2.0 release, please consider installing and running the LOCKSS 2.0-alpha1 release and providing us with your feedback.

Can I use my own Postgres database?

The LOCKSS 2.0-alpha1 system runs its own Postgres database. The LOCKSS 2.0-alpha2 system will allow you to use your own Postgres database instead if you choose.

Can I use my own Solr database?

The LOCKSS 2.0-alpha1 system comes with its own Solr database. In the LOCKSS 2.0-alpha2 system, you will be able to choose to use your own Solr database if you prefer.

Can I use the HDFS storage in my own Hadoop cluster?

The LOCKSS 2.0-alpha1 system spins up its own HDFS storage. The LOCKSS 2.0-beta system will enable you to connect to your own HDFS storage over an unanthenticated HDFS port. If there is interest in connecting the LOCKSS system to HDFS storage over a port authenticated via Kerberos, the LOCKSS team will include it as part of its future development roadmap.

Can I replay Web content with my own Pywb instance?

Yes, the LOCKSS 2.0-alpha1 system runs an embedded Pywb instance, but it is possible to configure your own Pywb instance to connect directly to the LOCKSS Repository Service. Contact us for instructions. The LOCKSS 2.0-alpha2 release will enable you to skip the embedded Pywb instance entirely.

Can I replay Web content with my own OpenWayback instance?

The LOCKSS 2.0-alpha1 system does not run an embedded OpenWayback instance, but it is possible to configure your own OpenWayback instance to connect directly to the LOCKSS Repository Service. Contact us for instructions. (A future release will enable you to run an embedded OpenWayback instance if you choose.)