8.5. Installing Curl

Downloading the LOCKSS Installer requires Curl, Wget or HTTPie. Most typical Linux systems have at least one installed by default. You can check by typing curl --version, wget --version or http --version, and seeing which ones do not output an error message.

This section describes how to install Curl if necessary.

Select your operating system below and follow the instructions as root 1:

To install Curl with Dnf, run this command (as root):

dnf --assumeyes install curl

or equivalently:

dnf -y install curl

To install Curl with Pacman, run this command (as root):

pacman --sync --noconfirm curl

or equivalently:

pacman -S --noconfirm curl

To install Curl with Dnf, run this command (as root):

dnf --assumeyes install curl

or equivalently:

dnf -y install curl

To install Curl with Yum, run thiscommand (as root):

yum --assumeyes install curl

or equivalently:

yum -y install curl

To install Curl with Apt, follow these steps (as root):

  1. Run this apt command:

    apt update
  2. Run this apt command:

    apt install --assume-yes curl

    or equivalently:

    apt -y install curl

To install Curl with Dnf, run this command (as root):

dnf --assumeyes install curl

or equivalently:

dnf -y install curl

To install Curl with Yum, run thiscommand (as root):

yum --assumeyes install curl

or equivalently:

yum -y install curl

To install Curl with Dnf, run this command (as root):

dnf --assumeyes install curl

or equivalently:

dnf -y install curl

To install Curl with Apt, follow these steps (as root):

  1. Run this apt command:

    apt update
  2. Run this apt command:

    apt install --assume-yes curl

    or equivalently:

    apt -y install curl

To install Curl with Zypper, follow these steps (as root):

  1. Run this zypper command:

    zypper refresh
  2. Run this zypper command:

    zypper --non-interactive install curl

    or equivalently:

    zypper -n install curl

To install Curl with Zypper, follow these steps (as root):

  1. Run this zypper command:

    zypper refresh
  2. Run this zypper command:

    zypper --non-interactive install curl

    or equivalently:

    zypper -n install curl

To install Curl with Dnf, run this command (as root):

dnf --assumeyes install curl

or equivalently:

dnf -y install curl

To install Curl with Yum, run thiscommand (as root):

yum --assumeyes install curl

or equivalently:

yum -y install curl

To install Curl with Dnf, run this command (as root):

dnf --assumeyes install curl

or equivalently:

dnf -y install curl

To install Curl with Yum, run thiscommand (as root):

yum --assumeyes install curl

or equivalently:

yum -y install curl

To install Curl with Dnf, run this command (as root):

dnf --assumeyes install curl

or equivalently:

dnf -y install curl

To install Curl with Yum, run thiscommand (as root):

yum --assumeyes install curl

or equivalently:

yum -y install curl

To install Curl with Apt, follow these steps (as root):

  1. Run this apt command:

    apt update
  2. Run this apt command:

    apt install --assume-yes curl

    or equivalently:

    apt -y install curl



See Running Commands as root.