6.1. Release Notes

6.1.1. LOCKSS 2.0.34-alpha3

Released: 2021-06-04
Also known as: LOCKSS 2.0-alpha3d

LOCKSS 2.0.34-alpha3 (also known as LOCKSS 2.0-alpha3d) is a bug fix release and the altest version of the LOCKSS 2.0-alpha3 system. It addresses a bug in the LOCKSS Installer.

Release Notes

  • Fix previously deleted or renamed files.

Component Versions

LOCKSS 2.0.34-alpha3 consists of a configurable set of the following components:

6.1.2. LOCKSS 2.0.33-alpha3

Released: 2021-01-29
Also known as: LOCKSS 2.0-alpha3c

LOCKSS 2.0.33-alpha3 (also known as LOCKSS 2.0-alpha3c) is a security release of the LOCKSS 2.0-alpha3 system. It addresses a vulnerability in a dependent code library.

Release Notes

  • Use components patched to use Jackson-Databind (CVE-2021-20190).

Component Versions

LOCKSS 2.0.33-alpha3 consists of a configurable set of the following components:

6.1.3. LOCKSS 2.0.32-alpha3

Released: 2020-11-09
Also known as: LOCKSS 2.0-alpha3b

LOCKSS 2.0.32-alpha3 (also known as LOCKSS 2.0-alpha3b) is a bug fix release of the LOCKSS 2.0-alpha3 system. It addresses a bug in the LOCKSS Installer.

Release Notes

  • Fix for broken multi-volume substitutions.

Component Versions

LOCKSS 2.0.32-alpha3 consists of a configurable set of the following components:

6.1.4. LOCKSS 2.0.31-alpha3

Released: 2020-10-29
Also known as: LOCKSS 2.0-alpha3a

LOCKSS 2.0.31-alpha3 (also known as LOCKSS 2.0-alpha3a) is the first release of the LOCKSS 2.0-alpha3 system.

Release Notes

  • The system’s Docker containers are now managed by MicroK8s, a lightweight Kubernetes environment by Ubuntu makers Canonical, rather than Docker Swarm.

  • Design and performance improvements to the repository layer, including support for multiple disk storage volumes (in preparation for migrating existing LOCKSS boxes, many of which have multiple disk storage volumes).

  • The runcluster development environment can be used to run a lightweight LOCKSS system from JAR artifacts built locally from the Git codebase or retrieved from Maven Central or Sonatype OSSRH.

  • Infrastructure for building LOCKSS plugins in the LAAWS environment.

  • IP filtering for REST endpoints (similar to IP filtering for the LOCKSS Web user interface).

  • Pywb 2.4.2.

  • Bugfixes and performance improvements throughout the system.

Component Versions

LOCKSS 2.0.31-alpha3 consists of a configurable set of the following components: