9.6. Downloading the LOCKSS Installer using git
The official way to download the LOCKSS Installer is now through the LOCKSS Downloader, rather than cloning the LOCKSS Installer as a Git project as in previous releases.
Follow the instructions in Installing the LOCKSS System to use the LOCKSS Downloader.
Follow the instructions in Installing Git to install git, if it is not yet available on your system.
Follow these instructions as the lockss
user [1]:
If you have not previously cloned the LOCKSS Installer, run this command to clone it from GitHub:
git clone https://github.com/lockss/lockss-installer
On early CentOS 7 systems (for example CentOS 7.1), you may receive the error message
fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/lockss/lockss-installer/': Peer reports incompatible or unsupported protocol version
. This is due to outdated network security libraries. Run the commandyum update -y curl nss nss-util nspr
to update them, and retry the git clone command.Tip
To avoid a harmless Git warning when updating the LOCKSS Installer from GitHub in the future, run this command within the
directory created by the git clone command:git config --local pull.rebase true
Checkout the 2.0-alpha5 branch of the LOCKSS Installer by running this command within the
directory created by the git clone command earlier:git checkout 2.0-alpha5