1.2. LOCKSS Plugin Format

A LOCKSS plugin is expressed as a mapping from keys to values. Except for rare exceptions that are built into the LOCKSS software, LOCKSS plugins consist of an XML file containing these key-value pairs, accompanied by optional Java class files (compiled Java code), bundled together in a JAR file (a Java-specific Zip file).

The XML format of the plugin is a single <map> element, containing any number of map entries expressed as <entry> elements. Each map entry is a key-value pair, namely a plugin key which must be the first child of the <entry> element and must be of type String, and a plugin value which must be the second child of the <entry> element. See the Plugin Value Types for more about possible plugin values.

The order of the key-value pairs does not matter. The effect of specifying multiple entries with the same key is undefined.



  <!-- plugin key with string value -->
    <string>Lots Of Copies Keep Stuff Safe</string>

  <!-- plugin key with integer value -->

  <!-- plugin key with long integer value (e.g. number of milliseconds) -->

  <!-- plugin key with list value (e.g. list of strings) -->
      <string>List item one</string>
      <string>List item two</string>
      <string>List item three</string>

  <!-- plugin key with map value (e.g. mapping from string to string) -->


1.2.1. Plugin Value Types

Plugin values can be of the following types:

XML Element

Plugin Value Type






Long Integer




Map String

XML Element



An arbitrary string of characters.

Because the plugin is expressed as XML, some characters in the string must be properly encoded:

  • & is encoded as &amp;.

  • < is encoded as &lt;.

  • > is encoded as &gt;.

  • Non-printable characters and characters outside the 7-bit ASCII set are encoded with numeric character references [1], either decimal character references (for example é encoded as &#0233; or &#233;) or hexadecimal character references (for example é encoded as &#x00e9; or &#x00E9; or &#xe9; or &#xE9;).

<string>This is a string value</string>

<string>Taylor &amp; Francis</string>

<string>Vive la diff&#x00e9;rence !</string> Integer

XML Element



An integer value. Represented internally as a 32-bit integer.

<int>1234</int> Long Integer

XML Element



A long integer value. Represented internally as a 64-bit integer.

<long>5000000000</long> List

XML Element



A <list> elements containing an ordered sequence of values (typically all of the same type).

<!-- list of strings -->
  <string>Item one</string>
  <string>Item two</string>
  <string>Item three</string>
</list> Map

XML Element



A <map> element containing an unordered sequence of map entries expressed as <entry> elements. Each map entry is a key-value pair; the key must be the first child of the <entry> element and must be a String, and the value must be the second child of the <entry> element.

The effect of specifying the same key in more than one map entry is undefined.

<!-- mapping from string to string -->
